The Umiam River cuts a 1500 m gorge between the towns of Sohra and Mawsynram. Several of its tributary streams are crossed by some of the most famous living root bridges, in particular those near the village of Nongriat, where there is a high concentration of botanical architecture. Other examples of botanical architecture can be found south of Nongriat, around Laitkynsew village. Further West, in the primary valley of the Umiam river, evidence of the widespread use of botanical architecture is still to be found, however there are strong indicators that it is fading out here. Surviving living root bridges can be found in the villages of Tynrong and Nongsteng. There is also reason to believe that others may exist in Mauphu and Thieddieng villages (the location of Theiddieng on the map below is incorrect).

So far, I haven’t found any evidence of living root bridges, or other forms of botanical architecture, west of the Umiam Basin, though there seems to me no reason why there couldn’t be. Any information on living root bridges west of Mawsynram would be appreciated.
Note that another Umiam River was dammed to create the large reservoir North of Shillong. This is a different body of water.
The listings given below are organized first alphabetically by village name, and then in the order they were visited.